WORLD WI-FI - A global decentralized Wi-Fi network based on personal routers

The World Wi-Fi project is a global decentralized free Wi-Fi network based on private routers which are typically residential routers. Every router owner may share their excess Wi-Fi capacity, allow guests to connect and share the capacity and in the process earn cryptocurrency for this shared capacity. In the end, everybody wins: while ordinary users get free Internet access,, those who own routers generate profits, and advertisers reach their target audience. World Wi-Fi is an global project built by the community.

There are three key links in the chain:

  • Guest User — connects to an open and secure WiFi access point and to the Internet and views ads in exchange for free Wi-Fi.
  • Router Owner — provides secure access to the Internet through the WiFi guest access point and receives a payment from the Advertiser.
  • Advertiser — delivers ads reaching their target audience through the owners router for which the advertiser makes a payment to the Router owner.

Challenges and Solution

Challenges Faced by Internet Users.
The first challenge
is the difficulty to connect to an open Wi-Fi network in many places in the world. With no mobile internet, the user often sees private locked Wi-Fi networks which are impossible to connect to. Even in places with fast mobile Internet such as LTE some challenges are common: LTE Internet has limitations on the maximum traffic, speed, and it is generally more expensive. For tourists and travelers with medium or lower than medium income it is rather expensive to use LTE Internet while roaming. In fact, these are the first group of people to search out WiFi hot spots.

World Wi-Fi will enable the maximum area of residential housing worldwide using home routers, and also stimulate distribution of free Internet access in high traffic areas: cafes, bars, restaurants, playgrounds and sports grounds.

The second challenge
is the cost for Internet access. For service providers, the provision of Internet access is a business that has a certain cost.

The World Wi-Fi project will enable free Wi-Fi access worldwide. The Internet access will become free as the guest user will just need to view a small ad (10–15 seconds).

The third challenge

is lack of financial resources. Most people worldwide would like to make some additional money, particularly if it only involves sharing an asset that they already have.

The World Wi-Fi platform provides for an accrual of tokens for ad views. World Wi-Fi offer the opportunity for cryptocurrency by sharing Wi-Fi and displaying the ads within your network. You can build your own referral network and feel like you are an actual managing director of a communications provider. The World Wi-Fi project will establish simple and easy-to-understand conditions to earn some extra income. The amount of income will depend on the efforts of the participants and the efficiency of their actions only. You can either obtain a small amount every month spending a minimum of efforts or gain much more money by connecting many people with free Wi-Fi Internet.

Challenges Faced by Advertisers
The first challenge
is a lack of required information about the target audience for whom the ad is displayed. In many cases, the advertiser ends up on a goose chase showing the ad to many more than those who are most likely to be interested, which increases the budget of the advertising campaign and decreases its efficiency. In particular, this is the case when promoting discretionary products with a clear-cut targeted audience. State-of-the-art Internet resources, such as search engines or social media provide means for ad targeting in a specific way; however, targeting parameters are extremely limited, with the cost of such an ad normally high.

SolutionWorld Wi-Fi enables the advertiser to select the audience based on search history, gender, age, social media profile, location (with levels of sophistication for such details as exact street, house or apartment). It is important to note that unlike the ad in search or social networks, a Wi-Fi user will focus on the ad video or banner displayed before accessing the Web. The cost of such advertising is much lower than that of advertising in search engines or social media outlets.

The second challenge
is complexity and incapability of tracking the efficiency of an advertising campaign. Advertisers are unable to obtain the data as to who, when, and how many times the ad was displayed specifically. This makes it more difficult to analyze the advertising campaign for more sophisticated results. Owners of advertising media often intentionally overstate the statistical view data in order to receive a higher payment, since they know that the advertiser has no means to check the validity of the information.

Solution On the World Wi-Fi platform, every advertiser can monitor in their account the most comprehensive and 100% reliable statistics. The history of all ad views is recorded on the blockchain and may not be fabricated.

How World Wi-Fi Operates

World Wi-Fi is a blockchain-based decentralized platform for users and advertisers. This chain has three key components:
  • Guest User, a person who connects to the open network access point and after viewing ads may use the Internet free of charge.
  • Router owner provides access to the open network and makes money by connecting guest users.
  • An Advertiser broadcasts ads to its target audience and pays to the router owner
When connected to the system, the router creates and makes available for guests one more network. It is isolated from the in-home network on the software level so those connected to the network will not have access to the computers on the main network of the router owner.
The router owner may set parameters, which are well suited to a public network (speed, maximum number of connections, number of ads to be viewed, and others).
When connecting to the guest network, guest users will see targeted ads, which possibly appeal to them.
The router owner’s income depends on who the users of his guest network are and on how many ads they view. The World Wi-Fi platform analyzes location, social media profiles, search history, and other parameters required for behavioral targeting. When there is an indication of a higher income guest on this network the more tokens are issued and effectively, the more the ad views will cost the advertisers.

Token Sale.

Token: WeToken
Total tokens issued: 600 000 000 WT.
Total tokens available for sale: 258 000 000 WT
  • Pre-sale: November 28, 2017 — January 23, 2018
  • Main Sale: January 25, 2018 — February 25, 2018
  • Pre-Sale 10% of total tokens for sale, or 60 000 000 WT;
  • Token Sale 33% of total tokens for sale, or 198 000 000 WT.
  • Bounty 12 000 000 WT (2%) ~1.2mln USD.
  • Price: 1 WeToken = 0.1 USD.

ICO details of the World Wi-Fi project

10% of tokens will be sold on PRE-ICO
33% of tokens will be sold on ICO
39% of all tokens will be frozen for 1 year
3% of tokens at bounty, 3% advisers
7% founders, 5% team

World Wi-Fi Project Token

Name — WeToken (WT)
Total number — 600,000,000 tokens
Blocking — Ethereum (ERC-20)

PRE-ICO project World Wi-Fi

Terms of PRE-ICO — from November 28, 2017 to January 23, 2018
Number of tokens available for sale — 60 million WT

ICO project World Wi-Fi

The ICO dates from January 23, 2018 to February 25, 2018.
Price for ICO -1 token = 0.01 $
Number of tokens available for sale — 198 000 000 WT
Unsold tokens will be destroyed

Road Map

Details Information :


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