
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018


  LixCoin Lix akan memastikan bahwa judul permainan, yang akan menjadi proyek permainan utama, adalah benar dan adil. LIX tidak hanya menyediakan mikroprosesor mata uang transaksi yang lebih cepat dan mudah, namun juga akan menyediakan infrastruktur dan ekonomi game yang lengkap untuk digunakan oleh penerbit independen, studio dan pengembang. Akhirnya, dengan komitmen penuh Komunitas LIX tidak membutuhkan lebih banyak dolar untuk menghasilkan dan mendistribusikan permainan — hanya gagasan. LIX akan memicu ekonomi permainan dengan menyediakan platform untuk aset game yang terdaftar dan dibuat dalam rantai blok yang terdesentralisasi. Tercantum pada rantai blok, pengguna game yang berpartisipasi dapat memperdagangkan aset baik dalam game atau melalui pertukaran dompet. Pasar game global akan mencapai USD 108,9 miliar secara global pada 2017, dengan pangsa pengembang independen dan penggemar yang terus meningkat. Contoh aset dalam game yang akan...


  The place of VR gaming is pacific on the blockchain template for which all its attributes can be enjoyed in Russia via the ArenaSpace. The translating point of growth is solely built on the construct and constant point of change and entertainment. The ArenaSpace platform on the blockchain technology is functional and built on the VR reality and amusement for games. The offers the best form of gaming reality and also functions as a static point in which VR helmets can be worn to explore all the gaming possibilities. This reflects the essential quality and essence of gaming for children, adults and families in general. Hence, the ArenaSpace platform officially provides the most digital VR (Virtual reality) gaming experience on the blockchain technology framework. This now navigates on the process and premise through which all form of gaming can now be enjoyed and rewarded via token or crypto currency coinage. This establishes the pattern and reward system...


  IQeon is the first decentralized gaming platform where players can make money according to their intelligence and achievements. This will be recognized by using the internal currency in the IQeon ecosystem, which at any time can be converted to the crypto currency IQeon tokens (IQN) issued based on Ethereum blockchain. IQeon tokens (IQN) can be freely exchanged at existing cryptocurrency exchanges, or transferred to fiat money on a MasterCard card recognitions to the established partnership with bank. IQeon signifies an organization that will allow the integration of games, applications and services based on intelligent competitions between users, as well as applications and services for motivation. Smart gaming market and the problem Global mobile smart gaming market reached 4.9 billion dollars. According to research by SurveyMonkey In the field of gaming and mobile apps, smart games and puzzle games take: First time spent in the game, every active user spends ...


Gambar Sphere is the next generation, decentralized social network. This network will contain its own cryptocurrency token, Sphere built on the idea that privacy, corporate transparency, and data security need to be the fundamental building blocks of each social platform. So we believe that the following millions of companies are bringing your data not theirs, it’s yours. THE SPHERE SOLUTION Social media since its early inception has quickly gone from a simple novelty used only to make friends, keep them updated about our daily lives to becoming a growing source of news, entertainment, and community. The easiest way to spread an information, grow fame and start revolutions these days is through the social media and nearly three billion people now utilize social media in some shape or form. What are the Sphere given us? MAKE THE MONEY One time you click mouse button with any social connection, and every web page you can earn. ...


SKARA adalah game fighting berbasis game gratis, di dunia fantasi, berada di bawah kendali para pemainnya. SKARA adalah kombinasi dari video game cross-platform dan novel. Di dunia SKARA, setiap karakter dan kelompok pemain menghadapi lingkungan apokaliptik kompleks yang sama dari sudut pandang unik mereka sendiri. SKARA berencana menjual token SKARAT untuk digunakan dalam game tersebut Penjualan token akan berlangsung dari 8 Februari 2018 pukul 17.00 CET (11:00 EET). Jumlah maksimum absolut dana yang ingin kita kumpulkan selama penjualan token adalah 10 juta euro. ABSTRAK Video games adalah di mana-mana. Tidak hanya lebih banyak orang yang bermain game dari pada sebelumnya, tetapi lebih banyak orang menonton mereka dan bahkan memenangkan uang bersaing di dalamnya. Fenomena global telah menerima perhatian media dan perusahaan, yang semakin mendapatkan manfaat dari keterlibatan dalam industri sebagai sponsor, mitra...


Gambar What Is bloomzed at this time I will discuss bloomzed to you. Technology and people can never be separated. Man forever will still need technology in facilitating its activities. The phenomenon of technological development and human technology today as a lifestyle, is a metaphor for humans themselves as users of technology. Many people are following the development of the technology. Basically they just want to adjust their life needs from the benefits of technology development itself. It can be said that the use of technology depends on the needs of its users. The latest tech trend in human works is the creation of unlimited workspaces. Now Smartphones, PCs, and notebooks are growing more minimalist in terms of size and maximum performance. This tool makes it easier for humans to obtain and share information and even between continents. In addition to providing information, technology also provides services and convenience to humans in helping co...