
The place of VR gaming is pacific on the blockchain template for which all its attributes can be enjoyed in Russia via the ArenaSpace. The translating point of growth is solely built on the construct and constant point of change and entertainment. The ArenaSpace platform on the blockchain technology is functional and built on the VR reality and amusement for games. The offers the best form of gaming reality and also functions as a static point in which VR helmets can be worn to explore all the gaming possibilities. This reflects the essential quality and essence of gaming for children, adults and families in general. Hence, the ArenaSpace platform officially provides the most digital VR (Virtual reality) gaming experience on the blockchain technology framework. This now navigates on the process and premise through which all form of gaming can now be enjoyed and rewarded via token or crypto currency coinage.

This establishes the pattern and reward system of all prospects in general. It also creates the presence and leverage point through which individuals that enjoy via ArenaSpace on the blockchain crypto mall are rewarded with ArenaSpace tokens. This ArenaSpace tokens can be used and transformed into real time currencies. This establishes the place of fun and monetary reward for the gamer. It also establishes the framework on which entertainment via VR correlates to provide real time money. The VR gaming podium is essentially driven by the structure and architecture of virtual machines and virtual environments for all manner of games. These games presents and represents the best possibility of full time virtual environments entertainment gaming. They offer a very stable transaction balanced system. This crypto balanced system is predicated on the volume reward through which all deals via number of games played or subscribed for a reward through real time crypto currency for traditional currency dealings.

Project Space Arena
Proven Business-Model
Six VR parks are functioning well. We use a proven amusement park business model to attract investments that extend square and maximum capacity
Unique Technology and Product VR
Our own R & D laboratories create unique VR / AR attractions and content, such as SKYA (interactive climbing wall), Full Immersion VR (Free Roam VR System), Robot Simulator VR, Interactive Avatar. In addition, we have built strong partnerships with a large number of technology partners and entertainment attractions to ensure maximum product supply in our park.
Profitability and Return On Invest
Thanks to constant digital content updates and excellent service, the number of repeat customers is likely to be as high as 40%. We hope our garden location to break even within 3–4 months.
Arenacoin is the Internal Currency
ARenaCoin will serve as an integrated entertainment crypto currency that will connect parks, customers, partners and franchisees, which provides its own benefits and benefits. ICO is scheduled for late 2017. The cost of the ARenaCoin token is $ 0.9–1.5. The invested funds are targeted to reach $ 8.1 million.
Destination: HardCap- $ 850thousand
ARenaCoinvalue: $ 0.45- $ 0.85
November 2017
Destination: HardCap — $ 30.35 million
Value of ARenaCoinvalue: $ 0.9- $ 1.5

15 (25) Nov — Dec 25, 2017
Target: 8.2 million USD
Arena Coin Value: 0.90 to 1.50 $
here is the explanation from me and for more information please visit some links Here:
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By. penikmatsenja
BTT :;u=1251309


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